Sunday, November 10, 2024

Colours in Her Hands reader reviews

You publish a book and then you wait for reviews, but there are ever less venues that review books in Canada. 

This makes me all the more grateful for reader reviews. Writing is a lonely road. It takes years to write a book. At the end you hope to find readers who engage with the characters and their stories--and then take the time to think about their response and put it into words. 

If you've read Colours in Her Hands and are curious to see what others thought, NetGalley readers received advance review copies in exchange for their honest opinion.

There are also reviews on Goodreads, if you don't mind the advertising.{%22workId%22:%22kca://work/,%22after%22:%22NjEsMTcyODQxNTAzMzY0OA%22}

A resounding thank you to readers! 

Pics taken in the past week while out walking.