Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It's grey and the forecast is drizzle and fog. It might not seem a likely day for deciding to put away the turtlenecks I've been wearing since my surgery, but the weather is getting warmer and pretty soon I'm going to have to bare a bit of scar. Perhaps a day when a loosely flung scarf won't look like overkill is the best time to start.
I appreciate that friends keep telling me scars are cool and awesome. But they've all got nice cleavages, so their well-meaning prompts feel like someone in an upper-income bracket telling me my hand-me-down sweater with a patch on the sleeve looks sorta funky. Ie nothing they would ever wear.
I feel like a moth trembling in my chrysalis.
And oh, 10:45 a.m. and I've just noticed that big flakes of snow are dropping so maybe today's not the day after all.


  1. I would probably be one of those people telling you scars are cool and awesome. But I also think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I once worked with a woman who was fiercely proud of her stretchmarks and how her belly looked after two babies -- she saw them as battle scars, proof of life, beauty. And I've also known a lot of women who were fiercely shamed by their stretched bellies (and other changed body parts).

    I love this, and identify oh-so-well with it: "...their well-meaning prompts feel like someone in an upper-income bracket telling me my hand-me-down sweater with a patch on the sleeve looks sorta funky."

  2. Well, I did bare it today. Met a friend who saw it in the hospital when I still had metal staples.
