Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Toronto launch Colours in Her Hands

Last week I took Colours in Her Hands to Toronto where I spoke with Christine Fischer Guy at Another Story Bookshop. Christine is a writer I admire and I'm delighted that over the years we've become friends. 

She has a new novel coming out next year. If you want to know more about her work, you can find her here:

See below for a pic of the two of us. I wish I'd known she was going to wear her Five Roses T-shirt because I would have worn mine too. 

I had a great group of attentive listeners including old friends and new readers.

Here's a short clip where I'm talking about the snippets of Grimms' fairy tales that appear throughout the novel.

I had a lovely evening. Thank you to all who came, to Christine, and to Another Story. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Colours in Her Hands in Toronto

On January 29th I'll be speaking with Christine Fischer Guy about Colours in Her Hands at Another Story Bookshop in Toronto. 

Come here what we have to say about Mina, about writing about people who are 'different' and what 'difference' means, about perceptions of art, and more. 

Details at this link: 

It would be lovely to see you! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

More about Mina

Here's a link to Linda Morra's excellent podcast, Getting Lit With Linda, where she discusses BOOKS with keen interest and insight. For this, the last episode of the season, she recommends BOOKS -- and one of them is... Colours in Her Hands! Take note of each book since there are some good ones.

And here is an interview that I did with Sharon Berg for The Themz Review. (Since I like finding points on a map, I want to tell you that Sharon is in Newfoundland, Themz is in London, Ontario, and I'm in Québec, and yet here we all are.) The interview is an excellent discussion about concerns in the novel. If you haven't read the book yet, there are some spoilers. You can still read the interview to whet your appetite, but read it again once you've read the book. Sharon asks good questions. 

If you're in a book club or you discuss books with others, then you've surely noticed how opinions differ. As a writer, I continue to marvel at how people focus on different aspects of the novel. What I hope is to touch readers in whatever way.  

Happy Holidays and all the best for 2025! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

20 Questions with Jeffrey Davies

Some years ago I met a boy who said he loved to read. He grew into a teen who wrote my Wiki page. He studied English and began writing, now works in a library, and with great determination pursues what he most loves to do. 

Thank you, Jeffrey, for inviting me to do 20 Questions with you!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Colours in Her Hands reader reviews

You publish a book and then you wait for reviews, but there are ever less venues that review books in Canada. 

This makes me all the more grateful for reader reviews. Writing is a lonely road. It takes years to write a book. At the end you hope to find readers who engage with the characters and their stories--and then take the time to think about their response and put it into words. 

If you've read Colours in Her Hands and are curious to see what others thought, NetGalley readers received advance review copies in exchange for their honest opinion.

There are also reviews on Goodreads, if you don't mind the advertising.{%22workId%22:%22kca://work/,%22after%22:%22NjEsMTcyODQxNTAzMzY0OA%22}

A resounding thank you to readers! 

Pics taken in the past week while out walking.